Personal Pronouns in Spanish

In this post, we will focus specifically on subject pronouns, which are used to indicate who is performing the action in a sentence.

Firstly, let’s start by discussing what subject pronouns are. In Spanish, subject pronouns are used to replace the subject of a sentence, which is the person or thing that is performing the action.

Spanish subject pronouns are often omitted because the conjugation of the verb already indicates who the subject is.

ENI have money
ESYo tengo dinero
ESTengo dinero

However, subject pronouns can still be used for emphasis, clarification, or to avoid confusion.

Use of the Personal Pronouns in English

There are six subject pronouns in Spanish:

Nosotros / NosotrasWe
Ellos/ EllasThey

Let’s take a look at each of the subject pronouns in more detail:

  • Yo: This subject pronoun means “I” in English. It is used to refer to the person who is speaking, or the writer if it is in written form.
  • Tú: This subject pronoun means “you” in English, but it is only used when speaking to someone who is familiar, such as a friend or family member. If you are speaking to someone who you do not know well, it is more appropriate to use the formal “usted.”
  • Él: This subject pronoun means “he” in English, and is used to refer to a male person.
  • Ella: This subject pronoun means “she” in English, and is used to refer to a female person.
  • Usted: This subject pronoun means “you” in English, but it is only used when speaking to someone who is formal, such as a stranger or a person in a position of authority.
  • Nosotros/nosotras: This subject pronoun means “we” in English, and is used to refer to a group of people that includes at least one male (nosotros) or only females (nosotras).

Sentences with Personal Pronouns in Spanish

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s take a look at some examples of subject pronouns in action:

ESYo hablo español.
ENI speak Spanish.
ESTú eres muy inteligente.
ENYou are very intelligent
ESÉl trabaja en una oficina.
ENHe works in an office
ESElla estudia medicina.
ENShe studies medicine.
ESUsted es muy amable
ENYou are very kind
ESNosotros vamos al cine.
ENWe are going to the cinema.

In each of these examples, the subject pronoun is included to clarify who is performing the action. However, in some cases, the subject pronoun can be omitted and the sentence will still make sense.

ESHablo español.
ENI speak Spanish.
ESEres muy inteligente.
ENYou are very intelligent
ESVamos al cine.
ENWe are going to the cinema.

In addition to the six main subject pronouns, there are also some additional subject pronouns that are used in certain situations. “Vosotros” and “Vosotras” (you) is used in Spain when speaking to a group

It’s important to note that in Latin America, “vosotros” and “vosotras” are not used, and “ustedes” is used to address both formal and informal groups. “ction.

More Spanish Lessons

These are other Spanish lessons that you might want to check out

  1. Sentences with Gustar
  2. Likes and Dislikes in Spanish
  3. Daily Routine in Spanish: Guide and Examples
  4. Sentences with Ser or Estar
  5. Sentences with Hacer: Guide and Examples
  6. Family Members’ Vocabulary in Spanish
  7. Questions with Quién: Guide and Examples
Manuel Campos, English Professor

Manuel Campos

I live in Costa Rica, I am an Spanish Native speaker and I am English teacher so I am sure that I will share valuable insights if you really want to learn Spanish
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