Likes and Dislikes in Spanish

If you are an English speaker who wants to learn Spanish, it’s important to know how to express ideas about likes and dislikes in Spanish

Understanding what Spanish native speakers enjoy and what they don’t enjoy and communicating what you like and dislike can help you better communicate with them and build stronger relationships.

These are some examples of sentences about likes and dislikes in Spanish:

ESMe gusta jugar videojuegos
ENI like playing video games
ESYo disfruto ir a la playa
ENI enjoy going to the beach
ESYo odio la musica alta
ENI hate loud music
ESYo odio la musica alta
ENI hate loud music
ESYo amo las rosas
ENI love roses

Now it is time to learn how to make sentences to express your likes and dislikes in Spanish using different verbs.

Likes and Dislikes in Spanish: Gustar

“Gustar” is one of the main verbs that we use to express likes and dislikes in Spanish

This is the conjugation of the verb “gustar” in the present tense:

A mi me gustaI like
A ella le gustaShe likes
A él le gustaHe likes
A usted le gustaYou like
A nosotros nos gustaWe like
A ellos les gustaThey like
A ellas les gustaThey like
A ustedes les gustaYou like

Con ese verbo, podemos hacer oraciones como las siguientes:

ESMe gusta jugar futbol
ENI like playing soccer
ESA él le gusta cocinar
ENHe likes cooking
ESA nosotros nos gusta ver películas
ENWe like watching movies
ESA el gato le gusta esa comida
ENThe cat likes that food
ESa ti te gusta correr
ENYou like running

Likes and Dislikes in Spanish: Disfrutar

“Disfrutar” is another of the main verbs that we use to express likes and dislikes in Spanish

This is the conjugation of the verb “disfrutar”

Yo disfrutoI enjoy
Ella disfrutaShe enjoys
Él disfrutaHe enjoys
Usted disfrutaYou enjoy
Nosotros disfrutamosWe enjoy
Ellos disfrutanThey enjoy
Ellas disfrutanThey enjoy
Ustedes disfrutanYou enjoy

These are some example of sentences with the verb “disfrutar”

ESMe gusta disfrutar de un buen libro en la tarde.
ENI enjoy reading a good book in the afternoon
ESDisfruto mucho de la comida italiana
ENI really enjoy Italian food
ESYo disfruto de la naturaleza
ENI enjoy nature
ESNosotros disfrutamos las películas de terror
ENWe enjoy horror movie

Likes and Dislikes in Spanish: Odiar

“Odiar” is another of the main verbs that we use to express dislikes in Spanish.

This is the conjugation of the verb “odiar”

Subject PronounConjugation English Translation
YoOdioI hate
OdiasYou hate
Él/Ella/UstedOdiaHe/She/You hate
Nosotros/NosotrasOdiámosWe hate
Vosotros/VosotrasOdiáisYou all hate
Ellos/Ellas/UstedesOdianThey/You all hate

These are some examples of simple present sentences with the verb “odiar”

ESTú odias el frío
ENYou hate the cold
ESÉl odia su trabajo
ENHe hates his job
ESElla odia las mentiras.
ENShe hates lies
ESNosotros odiamos la injusticia.
ENWe hate injustice
ESEllas odian el ruido
ENThey hate noise

More Spanish Lessons

These are other spanish lesson that you might want to check:

  1. Daily Routine in Spanish
  2. Sentences with Ser or Estar
  3. Sentences with Hacer: Guide and Examples
  4. Family Members’ Vocabulary in Spanish
  5. Questions with Quién: Guide and Examples
  6. Questions with Cuándo: Guide and Examples
  7. Sentences with Tener: Guide and Examples
  8. Sentences with Querer: Guide and Examples
Manuel Campos, English Professor

Manuel Campos

I live in Costa Rica, I am an Spanish Native speaker and I am English teacher so I am sure that I will share valuable insights if you really want to learn Spanish
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