Sentences with Hacer: Guide and Examples

“Hacer” is a verb that can be used in a variety of contexts. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner of the language, understanding the different ways in which “hacer” can be used is essential to developing your Spanish skills.

In English, we use the verbs “do” and “make” in different situations, however in Spanish, all sentences make these two verbs are made with “hacer”

Check these two examples with sentences with the verb “hacer”

I have to do exercisesTengo que hacer ejercicios
I have to make dinnerTengo que hacer la cena

In this post, we will explore some common uses of “hacer” in sentences, providing you with practical examples to help you improve your understanding and usage of this important verb.

The Verb “Hacer” when Talking about Exercises

These are some examples of sentences with “hacer” about exercises and physical activities

ESMe gusta hacer yoga en la mañana
ENI like to do yoga in the morning
ESMis amigos y yo hacemos ejercicio juntos
ENI like to do yoga in the morning
ESYo hago sentadillas
ENI do squats
ESYo hago muchas flexiones
ENI do many push-ups

The Verb “Hacer” when Talking about Food

These are some examples of sentences with “hacer” about food

ESYo hago la cena
ENI make dinner
ESYo hago mucho ejercicio
ENI do a lot of exercise
ESVoy a hacer un queque
ENI am gonna make a cake
ESYo siempre hago el desayuno
ENI always make breakfast
ESEstoy haciendo el almuerzo
ENI am making lunch
ESElla esta haciendo una pizza
ENShe is making Pizza

The Verb “Hacer” when Talking about Causes

These are some sentences with “hacer” to talk about causes of certain actions

ESLas noticias me hicieron llorar
ENThe news made her cry.
ESEl ruido esta haciendo la concentración dificil.
ENThe noise is making concentration difficult
ESEstas haciendo las cosas más dificiles
ENYou are making things difficult

The Verb “Hacer” when Talking about Communication

These are some sentences with “hacer” to talk about communication

ESElla esta haciendo muchas preguntas
ENShe is making many questions
ESElla hizo comentarios hirientes
ENShe made hurtful comments
ESElla hizo una presentación
ENShe made a presentation
ESNosotros hacemos llamadas
ENWe make calls

More Spanish Lessons

You might want to check these Spanish Lessons before you leave

  1. Family Members’ Vocabulary in Spanish
  2. Questions with Quién: Guide and Examples
  3. Questions with Cuándo: Guide and Examples
  4. Sentences with Tener
  5. Sentences with Querer
Manuel Campos, English Professor

Manuel Campos

I live in Costa Rica, I am an Spanish Native speaker and I am English teacher so I am sure that I will share valuable insights if you really want to learn Spanish
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