Spanish Words that Start with Ch

In Spanish, there are many words that start with the letters “ch” so it is really important to know them well if you want to speak Spanish fluently and naturally.

One of the most common words that start with “ch” is “chico” and “chica”

SPAElla es una buena chica
ENShe is a good girl
SPAEse chico es muy inteligente
ENThat boy is very smart

We also have the word “chicle”. Chicle is a chewing gum that is used to freshen the breath or simply to chew.

SPANecesito comprar chicles
ENI need to buy some gum

Check the following list of the most common words that start with “ch”

Words that Start with CH

These are the most common words that start with “ch”, each has two examples so you can learn how to use these in different contexts.

Chantaje / Chantajear

The Spanish word for “blackmail” es chantaje

SPAEstas tratando de chantajearme
ENYou are trying to blackmailing me
SPAEsto es un chantaje
ENThis is blackmail


Chaqueta is the Spanish word for jacket.

SPAEsa es my chaqueta
ENThat’s my jacket
SPATengo que comprar una chaqueta
ENI need to buy a jacket


Chamba is the informal Spanish translation for “job” or “work”

SPANo tengo chamba
ENI don’t have a job
SPATengo una chamba que hacer
ENI have some work to do

Charla / Charlar

Charla is the Spanish translation for “chat” or “talk.”

SPANecesito charlar contigo
ENI need to chat with you
SPAQuiero tener una charla contigo
ENI want to have a chat with you


Chile is the Spanish translation for “chili”

SPANo me gusta el chile
ENI don’t like chili
SPAEsta receta incluye chile
ENThis recipe includes chili

Chisme / Chismear

“Chisme” is the Spanish translation for “Gossip” and “Chismear” is the Spanish translation for “to gossip

SPAEva chismeo con Sarah
ENEva gossiped with Sarah.
SPAI never gossip at work
ENYo nunca chismeo en el trabajo
SPAEso es un chisme
ENThat’s gossip


“Chiste” is the Spanish translation for “Joke”

SPANo mas bromas, porfavor
ENNo more jokes, please
SPAEsa es una buena broma
ENThat’s a good joke

Chistoso – Chistosa

“Chistoso” is the Spanish translation for “funny”

SPAElla es muy chistosa
ENShe is very funny
SPANecesitamos alguien chistoso
ENWe need a funny guy


“Chillar” is the Spanish translation for “whine” and “complaining”

SPADeja de chillar
ENStop whining
SPAÉl chilla por todo
ENHe whines about everything


“Choza” is the informal Spanish translation for “casa”

SPAVoy para la choza
ENI am going home
SPATengo que pasar por mi choza
ENI have to stop by my house


“Chiste” is the Spanish translation for “lowlife”, “rabble”

SPANo te meta con la chusma
ENDon’t mess around with those lowlifes
SPAHay mucha chusma alla afuera
ENThere are plenty of lowlifes out there


“Chupamedias” is the Spanish translation for “brown noser

SPAEres un chupamedias
ENYou’re a brown noser.
SPANo seas un chupamedias
ENDon’t be such a brown noser

Manuel Campos, English Professor

Manuel Campos

I live in Costa Rica, I am an Spanish Native speaker and I am English teacher so I am sure that I will share valuable insights if you really want to learn Spanish
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