Spanish Words That End In Or

Spanish is a beautiful and rich language with a wide range of vocabulary that can sometimes be challenging for language learners to navigate.

In this post, we’ll be exploring a specific group of Spanish words that end in “or”.


Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced Spanish speaker, this post will provide you with a deeper understanding of the language and its many fascinating words. So let’s dive in and discover some of the most interesting Spanish words that end in “or”!


The Spanish word “bañador” is translated to “swimsuit” in English.

SPANo traje bañador
ENI didn’t bring my swimsuit
SPANecesito comprar un bañador
ENI need to buy a swimsuit


The Spanish word “calor” is translated to “heat” in English.

SPAEl calor del verano era insoportable
ENThe summer heat was unbearable.
SPAHace mucho calor hoy
ENIt is pretty hot today


The Spanish word “conservador” is translated to “conservative” in English.

SPAYo soy muy conservador
ENI am a very conservative guy
SPAElla tiene un punto de vista conservador
ENShe has a conservative point of view


The Spanish word “constructor” is translated to “builder” in English.

SPAYo trabajo como constructor
ENI work as a constructor
SPAYo necesito otro constructor
ENI need another builder


The Spanish word “educador” is translated to “teacher” in English.

SPAÉl es una excelente educador
ENHe is a great teacher
SPATenemos al mejor educador del pais
ENWe have the best teacher in the country


The Spanish word “editor” is translated to “editor” in English.

SPAEl editor renuncio
ENThe editor quit
SPADebemos buscar al editor
ENWe need to find the editor


The Spanish word “escritor” is translated to “writer” in English.

SPAYo soy el nuevo escritor
ENI am the new writer
SPATenemos que contrator otro escritor
ENWe have to hire another writer


The Spanish word “ganador” is translated to “winner” in English.

SPAYo soy la ganadora
ENI am the winner
SPAYo quiero ser la ganadora
ENI want to be a winner


The Spanish word “lector” is called a reader in English.

SPAÉl es un buen lector
ENHe is a great reader
SPATenemos muchos lectores
ENWe have lots of readers

The Spanish word “navegador” is called browser in English.

SPA¿Qué navegador usas?
ENWhat browser do you use?
SPAEse es un nuevo navegador
ENThat’s a new browser


The Spanish word “lector” is called “taste” in English.

SPATienes un buen gusto para la musica
ENYou have a good taste for music
SPATienes gustos horribles en peliculas
ENYou have a horrible taste for movies


The Spanish word “trabajador” is called “worker” or “hard-working” in English.

SPAYo soy un buen trabajador
ENI am a good worker
SPAYo un estudiante bastante trabajador
ENI am a very hardworking student


The Spanish word “tutor” is called “tutor” in English.

SPA¿Tienes un tutor disponible?
ENDo you have a tutor available?
SPAElla necesita otro tutor
ENShe needs another tutor

Manuel Campos, English Professor

Manuel Campos

I live in Costa Rica, I am an Spanish Native speaker and I am English teacher so I am sure that I will share valuable insights if you really want to learn Spanish
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