Sentences with Haber in Spanish: Conjugation, Usage, and Examples

Learning a new language can be both exciting and challenging. One of the most important aspects of learning a language is gaining a solid foundation of grammar rules, and in Spanish, one of the most fundamental grammatical concepts is the verb “haber”.

The verb “haber” is used in a variety of ways, including as an auxiliary verb to form compound tenses, as well as to express the existence or presence of something.

In this post, we will explore some common and useful sentences with “haber” in Spanish, and how to use them in everyday conversations.

Haber for There is and There are

The verb “haber” can be used to show the existence of people or things.

SPAHay mucho polvo en la casa.
ENThere is a lot of dust in the house.
SPANo hay agua caliente en la ducha
ENhere is no hot water in the shower.
SPAHabía un gato en la habitación
ENThere was a cat in the room
SPAHabían muchas personas en el concierto.
ENThere were many people at the concert.
SPAHabrá una reunión importante mañana.
ENThere will be an important meeting tomorrow.

Conjugation of the Verb “Haber”: Present Tense

Here’s a table with the conjugation of the verb “haber” in the present tense:

PronounPresent Perfect Tense

These are some examples of sentences with the verb “haber” and the present perfect tense

SPANosotros hemos hecho nuestro mejor esfuerzo
ENWe have done our best
SPAYo he estudiado este tema antes
ENI have studied this topic before
SPAHan cerrado la tienda temprano hoy
ENThey have closed the store early today.
SPAHa llovido mucho esta semana
ENIt has rained a lot this week
SPAHemos comprado un nuevo coche.
ENWe have bought a new car.

Conjugation of the Verb “Haber”: Past Perfect

Here’s a table with the conjugation of the verb “haber” in the Past Perfect tense:

PronounPast Perfect Tense

These are some examples of sentences with the verb “haber” and the present perfect tense

SPAHabía visto esa película antes
ENI had seen that movie before
SPAEl profesor había explicado la lección.
ENThe teacher had explained the lesson.
SPAHabía estudiado todo el fin de semana.
ENI had studied all weekend for the exam.
SPAWe had already eaten dinner when our friends arrived.
ENYa habíamos cenado cuando llegaron nuestros amigos.

Haber and obligation

The verb “haber” can also be used to show obligation when combined with “que” and the infinitive:

SPAHay que hacer algo al respecto
ENWe have to do something about it
SPAHay que pensar sobre el tema
ENWe must think about the subject
Manuel Campos, English Professor

Manuel Campos

I live in Costa Rica, I am an Spanish Native speaker and I am English teacher so I am sure that I will share valuable insights if you really want to learn Spanish
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